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Nutritional Supplements

Using Nutritional Supplements to Help Prevent Sports Injuries

Call us at 281-633-8600.  In this article, Dr. J. Michael Bennett talks about nutritional supplements and vitamins to help prevent injury.  He’s a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon and Fellowship Trained Sports Medicine Doctor serving patients from Greater Houston through offices in Sugar Land and Houston.  If you’d like a comprehensive knee evaluation done by a knee specialist, please call us for an appointment.

This is the eighth part of the transcript of a radio show hosted by Dr. J. Michael Bennett on AM 1560TheGame, broadcast from Houston.  With Dr. Bennett was Bob Lewis of

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1560 and Dr. Stephen D. Simonich of Katy Orthopedics in Katy, TX.

Here’s a link to the first part of the show and a link to the previous portion of the transcript.

BOB LEWIS – How about vitamin supplements? Does that play a role in injury prevention?

DR. J. MICHAEL BENNETT – I think you’re going to hear more and more about this in the next few years, especially when it comes to health, prevention and wellness. I think it does make a big difference in regards to overall health and wellbeing. In regards to joints in general, with nutritional supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate in my practice I’ve seen 50 percent of the time patients get some sort of relief with that. Now that could be placebo effect which means that it could be the mind is playing games or it could have actually made a difference. Now it’s hard to say and it’s so difficult because there are so many different options out there in regards to supplementation and we have yet to find out how much is being absorbed when you have a study that’s being produced, how much is that patient absorbing, how much is being excreted, is it doing anything? So I think right now at this point in time it’s hard to be able to measure that but I think, like Stephen mentioned with the platelet rich plasma, that if it’s not going to hurt you, I think that if you want to take it and you find a good product, then it’s something worth taking.

I do have a product that I use in my office for glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, it’s actually made by Meer Sciences, and I have about 50 percent of the time my patients do see a difference and I think that their product is 95 percent bio-absorbable and they follow FDA guidelines, and so I was really impressed with it and so if they ask me what would I like that’s what I tell them. But they have every option to go out there to Whole Foods and find whatever else option they like, too.

There’s also information out there to talk about Omega 3s and inflammation, Omega 3s in regards to joint health, and you’re going to see a lot more in regards to Omega 3s here in the next few years, too, and I mean these are all great questions and this is going to be another whole different segment we’re going to talk about on a show, we’re going to talk about supplementation and nutrition coming up here in the next few weeks.

But I want to get to the homework segment here. Just like we did last time when we had you guys go to YouTube to look at the Willis McGahee injury, for next week to kind of give you a segue into our discussion about ankle and leg injuries, I want you to go to YouTube and watch the old Joe Theismann injury in 1985 when Lawrence Taylor gave him a big smack and he ended up having a compound fracture of that distal tibia which is the lower part of the leg. It’s a nasty injury and these are very graphic videos so just be aware. But it will prepare you for what we’re going to talk about next week. 


If you have questions about the information here or you’d like a knee evaluation done by a specialist, please call our office at 281-633-8600.

Dr. J. Michael Bennett

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