Don't Endure Tennis Elbow: Learn How Tenex Health TX™Ultrasound Therapy Can Help

Even if you have never played tennis, your elbow pain may be lateral epicondylitis, a painful condition that’s conversationally known as tennis elbow. Thankfully, many cases of tennis elbow slowly resolve on their own over time, but there are persistent cases that cause tremendous pain and impact your productivity. In all three of our offices in Houston and Sugar Land, Texas, J. Michael Bennett, MD, PA, helps you get much-needed relief and get back to the activities you love.
In this blog, he shares more about tennis elbow, some of the telltale symptoms, and an innovative treatment that’s available to you.
Understanding tennis elbow
When tendons in your elbow bear the weight of too much repetitive motion or a strong grip, they can become inflamed, and you can develop tennis elbow—roughly 1 to 3% of the population struggle with the condition. People who are most at risk are those who are experiencing some age-related degeneration, as well as athletes and amateur sports enthusiasts who routinely repeat specific movements or habitually use improper form.
Symptoms of tennis elbow
If you have tennis elbow, you’ll experience some or all of the following symptoms in the bony, outer part of your elbow:
- Soreness
- Pain at the elbow and the wrist
- Difficulty with your range of motion
- Stiffness
- Tenderness
- Swelling and warmth
- Discomfort with grasping or gripping
You’re likely to feel enhanced pain with repetitive movements, such as brushing your teeth, handyman repairs, garden work, writing, or playing tennis.
Treatment options for tennis elbow
Dr. Bennett meets with you to conduct a physical exam and learn about your medical and family history. His goal is to treat you with the most conservative methods possible, such as rest, ice and heat therapy, massage, physical therapy, and bracing. If your problem persists, he offers treatment with the innovative Tenex Health TX™ procedure, a minimally invasive method of removing damaged scar tissue.
What to expect during your Tenex Health TX procedure
With a local anesthetic, Dr. Bennett numbs your elbow in preparation for the 20-minute, outpatient procedure. Guided by ultrasound technology, he precisely locates the damaged tendon tissue and eradicates it with the ultrasound’s energy. You won’t need stitches or a lengthy recovery period. You can return to sports and strenuous hobbies and activities in a month or two.
You don’t have to endure tennis elbow. Call now to learn how the Tenex Health TX can help you or use the online scheduling option to book now.
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