Considering Partial Knee Replacement Surgery? Here's What You Should Know About Our Robotics-Assiste

If you’re suffering from persistent knee pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or injury, you may be a candidate for knee surgery to repair the damage and restore your range of motion. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, more than 600,000 knee replacements are performed each year. Of all the people with arthritic knees, an estimated 5-6% can benefit from partial knee replacement surgery.
At all three of our offices, J. Michael Bennett, MD, PA, performs robotics-assisted partial knee replacement surgery. Let’s take a closer look at what you should know about our robotics-assisted approach.
What’s the difference between a traditional partial knee replacement surgery and a robotics-assisted partial knee replacement surgery?
During a traditional partial knee replacement, your doctor places cutting blocks on your thigh and shin bones to help guide the surgical saw while the damaged cartilage and bone are extracted. The procedure is challenging. Unfortunately, complete accuracy cannot always be achieved.
With the NAVIO Surgical System, Dr. Bennett can precisely remove diseased portions of the knee and seamlessly place the implant. Because of the complexity of the operation, robot assistance significantly increases surgical accuracy and leads to excellent outcomes like improved function, feel, and longevity of the replacement.
Am I a candidate for robotics-assisted partial knee replacement surgery?
Before Dr. Bennett recommends a robotics-assisted partial knee replacement, he works with you to exhaust all other non-invasive treatment options, such as:
- Physical therapy
- Braces
- Weight loss
- Movement modifications
- Cortisone shots
- Use of a cane or walker
- Biologics
If you aren’t having any success with these interventions, you may benefit from a partial knee replacement.
How does robotics-assisted knee replacement with the NAVIO Surgical System work?
While it may sound like a robot performs the surgery, that is a myth. Dr. Bennett uses advanced software to map your bone structure and create a 3D model to guide him as he uses a robotics-assisted handpiece to precisely shape the bone and install the implant. Software and photographic imagery provide a boundary for the robotic-arm to make its precision movements and corrections.
What is the recovery time?
Remarkably, in most cases, partial knee replacement with robotic assistance seems to reduce the recovery time by several weeks, down from 4-6 weeks with traditional partial knee replacement surgery to 2-3 weeks. Dr. Bennett works with you before the surgery to set expectations per your unique health condition and health history, so you’ll know what to expect.
If you’re suffering from chronic knee pain that deters your quality of life and you’ve tried other remedies, turn to our trusted team to learn more about a robotic-assisted partial knee replacement with the innovative Navio Surgical System. Call the office or book your consultation online.
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